Tag: community

  • Difficult Conversations, Part 1: Getting Started

    Difficult Conversations, Part 1: Getting Started

    1 of 3 in a series We Have to Talk I recently had an argument with a family member about climate change. He firmly believes that stopping fossil fuel use will plunge our world into an economic depression “like we ain’t ever seen.” Despite being utterly flabbergasted by his premise, I had to begrudgingly admit…

  • Riyza Jose Morales

    Equity-Based Strategies, Policy-Centered Action, Resilient Communities Tampa Bay, Florida, USA Uniting people in the pursuit of a common mission is the core of Riyza’s professional philosophy. As Network Engagement Manager with the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network (SSDN), she implements this philosophy by facilitating the relationships and growth of a trusted, collaborative network for local government…