Regenerative Business Course

regenerative business sustainability collage

It is challenging to own a small business today – especially one that reflects your values.

You started your business to make a positive impact on the world. But the obstacles – cost, time, resources, staying the course, the never-ending fires to put out – can be overwhelming, and your purposeful vision often seems like a distant dream.  

Do you dream of:

  • Doing well by doing good (making a profit and an impact)
  • A business driven by your values
  • Creating a resilient business so you can continue to make a difference long into the future
  • Making a positive change and lasting impact with your business
regenerative business course recommendation

Experience the Difference

This is not your ordinary business training. Our unique approach ensures you’re not just learning concepts, but actively creating a blueprint for change – in your business, and in the world around us. Not only will you leave this course with the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to transform your business into an enduring force for good, but you will also be part of a Community of Practice where you will receive:

  • Support in facing challenges and celebrating wins
  • A brave space to explore new ideas and assumptions
  • Connections with other business owners on a parallel journey

Learn Together

Join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs dedicated to making a difference. This interactive course format includes one-on-one Zoom calls, practical exercises, and collaborative spaces for sharing and learning.

Set up a discovery call today and lead your business towards the future. On this brief call you will meet instructors, tell us about your business, identify challenges you’re facing, and explore how this course can empower you to address them.

The Course

Module 1

Profitability with Purpose

Learn how being regenerative and profitable aren’t mutually exclusive. Make your business a beacon of positive impact and become more resilient as a result.

  • Create a map of your business– where you are and where you want to go
  • Identify the gaps between your current reality and your vision
  • Analyze areas where you can make a positive impact
Module 2

Regen and Resiliency

Uncover the power of doing business the regenerative way. Navigate the complexities of sustainability and resiliency, and learn to:

  • Explore strategies for creating a regenerative business
  • Identify challenges in implementing regenerative strategies
  • Assess real life case studies of successful regenerative businesses
  • Discover how becoming more regenerative can make your business more profitable and more resilient
Module 3

Tools for Problem Solving

Take a deeper dive. A regenerative, resilient business has many moving parts and it can be difficult to stay aligned. Develop problem-solving skills that ensure you’re focused and equipped to overcome obstacles.

  • Play with the complexity of the “system” where your company operates
  • Create guiding principles for decision-making in your business
  • Choose appropriate tools to tackle challenges for your business
  • Practice over time, analyze the impact, and adjust your plans as needed
Module 4

Embracing Your CoRe

Forge connections within and outside of your business – from management and employees, to your supply network and larger community.

  • Identify your CoRe – who it does and does not include
  • Understand how your CoRe affects and can energize your business
  • Gain insights into handling naysayers and skeptics, and how to avoid and detect greenwashing
  • Create a powerful story of transformation
  • Discover how to effectively communicate your vision within and outside of your business
Module 5

Sustainable Procurement

Navigate sustainable supply networks, ensuring the choices you make in partnering align with your values.

  • Understand the interconnectedness of a regenerative supply network
  • Analyze your supply network for alignment with your values
  • Explore best practices and challenges in finding suitable procurement partners
Module 6

Building a Circular Culture

Transform your business culture to align with fast-emerging regenerative principles – and create a lasting legacy of positive impact.

  • Embed sustainability at every level of your business
  • Foster collaboration and inclusivity in your company and CoRe relationships
Module 7

Becoming Resilient and Adaptive

Be ready to tackle external challenges to your business. Identify “weak spots” and learn how to stay adaptive in a rapidly changing world. Learn how to establish stronger governance.

  • Adapt and demonstrate resilience in the face of change
  • Integrate social and environmental impacts in decision-making
  • Align your values and vision with the actions you are taking
Module 8

Tying it All Together

Taking stock of your company’s regenerative journey – where you have been and where you are going. Measure your progress and celebrate the impact you are making.

  • Put your regenerative plan into action beyond this course
  • Measure your success and learn from failures – that’s part of the plan!
  • Map the next steps on your regenerative journey

The Instructors

Manon Doran - facilitator, artist, climate business

Manon Doran is mindfully progressing towards a climate-positive lifestyle, while reducing the carbon footprint of her family. She is an active member of a climate action group, deeply motivated to rebuild our connection to nature, and a proud supporter of small, preferably local, regenerative businesses. Manon spent the last 25 years designing learning experiences guided by curiosity and play, and creating spaces where active imagination can nourish our life and work.

Scott Hamilton - finance, ESG, speaker, writer, educator

Scott Hamilton is a financial services expert who didn’t major in finance and loves to help people discover strengths — in themselves and in their organizations — they didn’t know they had. With a broad background in sales, corporate training & development, and journalism, Scott joined EarthWork because after working in international commerce for years, then creating The Carbon Almanac with virtual volunteers across the globe, the next career step — to guide businesses in making successful climate transitions — was a no-brainer.

Katherine Palmer - educator, climate, agriculture, small business

Katherine Palmer is an educator and facilitator with over 15 years of curriculum design experience. She has been a small business owner for the last 8 years — 5 of which were spent running a profitable regenerative farm. She is passionate about bringing Regenerative Practices to small businesses. Katherine’s superpower is making complex subjects accessible and fun to learn.

Etrit Shkreli - facilitator, educator, climate action, researcher

Etrit Shkreli is a learner, dedicated researcher, and social entrepreneur. Her passion lies in creating inclusive environments which foster teamwork and a sense of belonging for all participants. With a Ph.D. in Political Science, she divides her time between teaching at Sabanci University and co-creating with the EarthWork Collective. She is based in Istanbul, where she thrives on connecting with like-minded individuals and making a positive impact.

Your Impact, Our Promise

Are you ready to embark on a journey that aligns your values with your business success? Unlock the potential of a purposeful business with actionable strategies and comprehensive insights. Make your mark on the world by enrolling in our course today.

By the end of this course, you’ll possess the tools to:

  • Understand and address sustainability challenges within your business.
  • Take action to drive positive change that works for your business.
  • Communicate your values driven mission authentically to customers, suppliers, and your community.
  • Create a lasting legacy of profitability with purpose for your company.

Need more info? 

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Download our Regenerative Business Explainer

Book a Discovery Call