Tag: materiality

  • Coles Jennings

    Building Design, Energy Analysis and Management CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, USA Coles implements climate action through engagement with leaders in the business community. With a background as a mechanical engineer and building sciences manager, Coles brings a sound foundation to the building sector. His particular focus on commercial energy management and overall operating costs aims to ensure…

  • Where to Start With ESG in Your Organisation

    Where to Start With ESG in Your Organisation

    Step 1: Envision Look at how the information on ESG principles and practices shared in this document applies to your company. Get a sense of where your company stands right now in each area: Environmental, Social, and Governance. Put your biases and assumptions aside. This can be tricky, but being able to look in the…

  • What Impacts the Materiality Analysis?

    What Impacts the Materiality Analysis?

    An ESG materiality analysis determines whether an ESG factor is important and relevant to your company. These factors become the basis for your ESG reporting. How do you decide which factors are important and relevant enough to report on? Your decision could be based on these four key areas: What is considered important: The characteristics…

  • What is Materiality Analysis in ESG

    What is Materiality Analysis in ESG

    Materiality: the ESG measurements that are relevant and important to your company. This goes beyond government regulations and looks at the things that are risks and opportunities for a company. Double materiality: Also called dual materiality. A company must consider relevant and important data for financial and societal issues. Every ESG framework measures dozens of…