Testimonial Category: Community

  • Today I learned

    Today I learned that to engage stakeholders whose primary interest is not related to climate – embrace quick wins, focus on simple/early education, engagement (e.g. what is one thing you could do this year), and find alignment between their goals and yours.

  • Digging in deeper

    Digging in deeper and asking more questions to stakeholders may uncover new solutions I had not thought about previously.

  • Everyone shares similar problems

    Everyone shares similar problems. Having the opportunity to mute/ turn off my camera gave me the chance to step back from my problem and see it from a different point of view.

  • My takeaway

    I am taking away that we are all working through challenges. And when we can take a moment to share our challenges with others, fresh new perspectives can come to light. New ideas and new energy follow.

  • What I got from this session

    What I got from this session is a fresh idea for how to approach organization-wide culture change – moving from ad hoc to more systematic. It was also interesting to see how similar our challenges were. Though the contexts were different, the three of us are facing intersecting hurdles.

  • My takeaway today

    My takeaway today was the idea of advocating without authority, the importance of building relationships, and knowing when to play the long game vs. a shorter game.

  • We shared our challenges

    We shared our challenges with each other — listening, connecting and learning. This helped us gain clarity into our problems and see that others share similar issues.