Every job is a climate job. Every employee deserves a safe workplace. Every business impacts the world.
Generally, ESG falls to the CSO Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) or a committee dedicated to sustainability issues. Some organizations add ESG to their compliance officers’ duties. If the company is small enough, the owner may choose to take on the role, or delegate it to management.]
What are the benefits of having a dedicated ESG officer? Having one person in charge of ESG makes the process smoother. This person can spend their time building relationships and making sure ESG strategies are implemented. They would also be responsible for staying on top of new regulations. A person in the dedicated role of CSO can focus their time on developing a thorough ESG plan–instead of having sustainability be just one more thing on their plate.
Your company may not have a designated CSO, or a dedicated ESG committee. That’s ok, because in this book you will have all the basic information you need to get started. You have the facts and background to convince others of the importance of this work for the future of your company (and the planet!).
How do you start an ESG program? Start small, one action at a time. Take a look at where your company stands right now in terms of the ESG factors that impact it, and where improvements could be made..
Communicating an issue or finding solutions is already part of your everyday business. Any well-informed manager or committee can lead your ESG program. This is not a select club for a specific group of experts. It’s not exclusive–in fact, every employee at every company can have a hand in improving its environmental and social responsibility, and decision-making processes.

This article just scratches the surface of ESG.
We put together a full ESG Explainer for a deeper dive into environmental, social and governance for best business practices.